[geeks] Followup on weapons seizure

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at yahoo.com
Sat Feb 1 21:20:51 CST 2003

--- Anthony Guarnieri <atg at stormrider.org> wrote:
> I myself would like to publically call for the licensing of
> individuals with voter registration cards, with prospective
> 'voters' being tested on the American system of government 'as
> designed,' including knowledge of the writings and speeches of
> men like Jefferson, Franklin, Paine and Henry. Voting is just
> too powerful an action to be left to people of 'unknown ability
> and character.'

Sorry, old email, just wanted to throw my $.02 into this...

Qualifying potential voters is a bad idea, period.

At various times in this country, we limited voting be:

Land owners


Those that could pay the "poll tax"



They were all overturned for good reason. You may feel that requiring a
certain educational achievement is reasonable, but the laws the people
you elect will impact *all*, not just those who passed history class.

Sorry, back to space shuttle trivia... ;^)


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