[geeks] Quick VC++ question

Joshua D Boyd jdboyd at cs.millersville.edu
Mon Oct 28 13:38:43 CST 2002

I have a block of code that uses a hash_map:
hash_map<const char*, Attribute, hash<const char*>, eqstr> attributes;
and I'm including 
#include <hash_map>

Now, this works fine with g++ on irix and linux, and I got the
documentation about it from SGI's web site.  But when I try to use it in
VC++ 6.0, it fails.  It seems that there is no hash_map include file,
nor is there a hash include file.  There is a map include file, but my
understanding is that map is to be inherited from, not to be used
directly, although some web sites make it appear you can use it directly
(though their code then fails).

Can anyone suggest what I'm doing wrong (other than that I'm using
MSVC++ in the first place)?

Joshua D. Boyd

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