[geeks] root equivalent user

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 25 17:01:38 CDT 2002

--- Kurt Huhn <kurt at k-huhn.com> wrote:
> woods at weird.com (Greg A. Woods) wrote:
> > [ On Friday, October 25, 2002 at 13:57:41 (-0400), Kurt Huhn wrote:
> ]
> > >  Why not elevate the conversation to your level instead of
> > > sinking to ours?  Hmmm?
> > 
> > Sometimes I try -- sometimes it's just too trying.....  :-)
> > 
> Only after I called you on it did you assemble soemthing even the
> least bit helpful.  If it's too trying, why bother in the first
> place?

"Can't we, can't we all just get along?"

I am tiring of seeing this thread continue - could this find a new
home, or, better yet, come to an friendly conclusion? I understand the
nature of this list, but we are talking about responses to responses to
responses to a question asked *how many* days ago now???

Thanks, hope I didn't offend anyone - unless, of course, the Rodney
King reference upset you - that *was* intended!



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