[geeks] I really don't get it ...

Kurt Huhn kurt at k-huhn.com
Tue Oct 22 14:57:36 CDT 2002

Dave McGuire <mcguire at neurotica.com> wrote:

>    Ok, I'll bite.  What the fuck is "homemade biodiesel"?

Vegatable oil.  Pretty much.  You *can* add crap to it to make things run
smoother and not gel up in the cold, but mods to the vehicle are easier to
do.  I had a VW Rabbit Diesel that would eat anything oily that I threw at
it - vegetable oil, crankcase drippings, and so on.  Vegetable oil made my
VW smell like a Krispy Creme :)

kurt at k-huhn.com

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