[geeks] How big is a pile of 40,000 PCs?

dave at cca.org dave at cca.org
Thu Oct 10 00:04:30 CDT 2002

dittman at dittman.net writes:

>> > As a point of reference, the rolling stones are using 53 tractor
>> > trailers for their tour. ;^)
>>    With all that stuff, one might be tempted to think they'd be able to 
>> produce some decent music...but nooooo.  I guess it's the same thing 
>> with Microsoft and their legions of programmers.

>There's some Stones songs that I like.  I'm pretty eclectic,
>though.  The only types of I don't really like are both kinds
>of music:  Country & Western.

What about Johnny Cash? I'm a firm believer that there's good
music in every genre - it's just usually obscure and takes some
digging. (Obviously Cash isn't obscure, he's one of those rarities
that actually deserve their fame.)

As for the Stones - I like a few of their early hits (in particular,
"Gimmi Shelter") but overall they're no better than most bar bands.
Luckily I like music that isn't very popular (comperably) so I can
go see the best bands in the world for their genres at shows of a
few hundred people, and they're really psyched when you go up after
the show and tell them they were good...

>(Name the movie I was paraphrasing).

"No Ma'am, we're musicians."

------ David Fischer ------- dave at cca.org ------- http://www.cca.org ------
------------------------ Drink Your Ovaltine! -----------------------------

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