[geeks] Ahhh! Bandwidth! *contented sigh*

Mike Hebel nimitz at speakeasy.net
Mon Oct 7 15:16:29 CDT 2002

It's working!  It may be bridged 608/128 ADSL but it's working!

Now I just need to load up the OpendBSD Sparc box for firewall/NAT and 
I'll be good to go. (I'm currently taking my OS in my hands here - I'm 
surfing bare-wire, primary-IP to the 'net.   Still I couldn't wait to 
try it out!)

I'm a happy camper!  ;-)

Now to get a VPN set up between my house and my neigbors and leech mp3s 
off of his server. *grin*

Mike Hebel

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