[geeks] Oh my god...

Joshua D Boyd jdboyd at cs.millersville.edu
Fri Nov 29 11:47:59 CST 2002

On Fri, Nov 29, 2002 at 09:40:15AM -0800, Lionel Peterson wrote:
> --- Dan Sikorski <me at dansikorski.com> wrote:
> > And he also probably hasn't seen the pure horror of applications
> > written in access actually trying to be used to do real work. (Note
> > that i said TRYING, shit never works, but the "developers" have great
> > job security until someone around there gets a clue.)
> My company is stressing Access in ways it should never be stressed - we
> have gotten error messages that the database is too large!

Yeah, that happens here at Armstrong too.
> For small one-off projects it is fine, but for larger installations
> (like, more than one simultaneous user), something larger is strongly
> suggested).

They are using Access for some analysis that seems like it would be
better done in a different language, or at a minimum using a different
file format.  Heck, the original code was fortran, so why not port the
old fortran rather than rewrite?
> We were going to use Access as a front-end to SQL Server (to preserve
> our code base and be able to use larger DB), but there is a funny thing
> that happens when you do that - Access attempts to draw in the entire
> database and work with it locally... defeating the whole reason for
> using SQL Server in the first place!

Yikes, never heard of that before.  But, then, I try to ignore the
going ons in the Access world.

Joshua D. Boyd

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