[geeks] Oh my god...

Dave McGuire mcguire at neurotica.com
Thu Nov 28 16:48:13 CST 2002

On Thursday, November 28, 2002, at 02:48 PM, Bill Bradford wrote:
>>   Yes, that's a good one!
>>   What's with the Microsoft banner, anyway?  That seems like worship
>> bordering on obsession.
> I'd say most of their customers run Microsoft operating systems - but 
> just
> because thats what the products end up in, doesent mean that thats 
> what they
> use to *design* them. 8-)
> mmm. Sun and Linux.  Linux aint great - but "the enemy of my enemy is 
> my
> friend", ya know?

   Oh I fully agree...I'm just wondering what makes them feel the need 
to plaster the name of some other company on the wall in their 
building.  People like us get all fired up about companies whom we 
respect, like Sun, DEC, Cray, etc...but does anyone really get fired up 
in that way about Microsoft?

   ...and if so, how does Microsoft get away with imposing their 
increasingly greedy licensing schemes without diminishing that huge 
pool of yes-men?


Dave McGuire                 "You don't have Vaseline in Canada?"
St. Petersburg, FL                     -Bill Bradford

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