[geeks] radio stuff

wa2egp at att.net wa2egp at att.net
Tue Nov 26 00:42:50 CST 2002

> Not in my neighborhood.
> It only happens because people pay for their neighbors to babysit them. 
>   If you don't like your neighbors telling you what to do, don't move 
> into a neighborhood like that.  Very simple.  If home buyers continue 
> to associate homeowners association babysitting services with greater 
> home value than liberated homes, developers will continue to cater to 
> such customers.
> That said, I can put up any antenna here I want within FCC limits.  
> Half the homes here have those little satellite dishes but someone down 
> the street a bit has one of those massive 8 foot diameter dishes right 
> out front near the street.  And guess what, we're not rallying to slap 
> a lien on the property or force them to clean up the eyesore or 
> anything.  Yet with all this freedom, and no one protecting us from 
> ourselves, it is still a very nice neighborhood to live in.  Imagine 
> that.

It's beginning to spread quickly.  All newer neighborhoods (developments) has
no antennas...all cable.  No antennas of any type!  Unforch, you have to look
carefully when buying a house because it is not something they will volunteer
freely.  Even some older, established neighborhoods are goin that way.  Rather
than trusting neighbors to have some common sense, uninformed individuals
would rather have some CC&R that would eliminate anything.  My neighborhood
used to use my antennas as a navigation "reference point" for people visiting.
Unforch, when we had the roof repaired, the live in building inspector (the wife)
would not let me put them back up :-< and some of the neighbors are not happy.

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