[geeks] Office OS X

Joshua D Boyd jdboyd at cs.millersville.edu
Thu Nov 21 13:35:15 CST 2002

On Thu, Nov 21, 2002 at 01:57:40PM -0500, Kurt Huhn wrote:
> > Also, SQL Lite isn't a server, it is a library, so when your program
> > that uses SQL lite isn't running, then SQL Lite isn't running.  More
> > than that, I don't know about it yet.
> We must be talking about two different SQL Lites.  The one I'm familiar with
> is definitely a server, albeit self contained.  You can apparently link
> against it in order to write other softwares - so yes, I guess it is a
> library also.

I'm looking at http://www.sqlite.org/

I realize that they say "SQLite *is* the server." right on the front
page, but I'm pretty sure they only put it that way to make a point.

For instance, the C/C++ interface offers no choices other than to pass
the filename to the sqlite_open function, and if there was a server
somewhere, you should be able to pass it a server name and port number
rather than just a file name.

Further, it looks like it works by locked files rather than row or table
locking, which would be an insane thing to do ofr a server, but
perfectly OK for something meant to be used by only one application at a
time.  Too bad that it doesn't at least offer primitive locking like
Access, so that multiple applications can read and write one SQLLite
file at the same time.  However, it appears that as long as applications
responsibly release their write locks of the file, something could be
done easily.

But I just don't see anything to indicate that this is really a server.
I have to admit that I haven't read the source code thoroughly yet
though.  However, a quick look through doesn't show any networking code,
nor any IPC cod.

Joshua D. Boyd

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