[geeks] Postscript question

Jonathan C. Patschke jp at celestrion.net
Wed Nov 20 00:32:08 CST 2002

On Tue, 19 Nov 2002, Dave Kimmel wrote:

> I've heard that one of the problems with the multiple forks is that
> backing up "Mac files" (as opposed to plain old files that don't have
> any extra stuff attached) using tar doesn't work quite right.  Is this
> still the case or has it been addressed somehow?

The "ditto" program does a deep-copy of a directory in a way that
preserves the resource fork of "file.txt" in another file called
"._file.txt".  You can tar the results of a ditto for archival.  This is
how I backed up my home directory over NFS this morning.

Jonathan Patschke
  "Albert Einstein nailed space-time, but the wild thing had him stumped.
   Al, baby, two and two make five-and-a-quarter; that's why people fall
   in love." -- Thomas Dolby, "That's Why People Fall in Love"

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