[geeks] Leonids

Geek geek at geeksworld.net
Tue Nov 19 00:05:11 CST 2002

Sounds very cool.

Dwight Wallbridge,
Managing Editor, GeekMeltdown.com

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----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike Hebel" <nimitz at speakeasy.net>
Subject: Re: [geeks] Leonids

| http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Lab/8403/apolx.html
| Apollo/Soyuz missions.  Joint Russian/American space missions.
| I remember seeing it go across the sky while standing in front of the
| apartment building we were living in on Devon & Washtinaw in Chicago.
| It was the brightest and fastest thing I'd ever seen in the sky.  One
| bright start that moved across my sight and was suddenly gone.  One of
| the very cool experiences in my life.
| Mike Hebel
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