[geeks] WTB: P3-600 slot1 cpu

Geek geek at geeksworld.net
Sun Nov 17 13:23:58 CST 2002

If it weren't for buying on the net generally requiring a credit card, I
would. Don't have one, don't want one. Know any sites that allow for
checks or something like it?

Dwight Wallbridge,
Managing Editor, GeekMeltdown.com

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----- Original Message -----
From: "Joshua D Boyd" <jdboyd at cs.millersville.edu>
To: <geeks at sunhelp.org>
Sent: Sunday, November 17, 2002 1:21 PM
Subject: Re: [geeks] WTB: P3-600 slot1 cpu

| On Sun, Nov 17, 2002 at 12:29:34PM -0600, Geek wrote:
| > That sounds promising. I have yet to find anyone selling AMD Duron
| > systems anywhere near that low here. They all seem to sell
| > Celeron's(more profit) or Athlon's(same), or try to max out Duron's
| > the limits with every piece of hardware they can find just to make
| > same profit margins. Therefore, I can get an Athlon for less than
| > or as far as I have seen. You all have to remember, there you have
| > Circuit City, and a computer store within a short distance.
| Where I live, the ciruit cities and computer stores are worthless.  If
| you want anything, you need to buy it from the net around here, and
| think that it would be the same for you
| --
| Joshua D. Boyd
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