[geeks] Children's Shows...

Amy scoobydoo at ohno.mrbill.net
Sun Nov 10 15:54:31 CST 2002

On 10 Nov 2002, Dan Sikorski wrote:

> On Sun, 2002-11-10 at 14:33, Lionel Peterson wrote:
> > I think Spongebob is like The Flintstones - not really aimed at Kids,
> > but works on both levels...
> I don't they that they're NOT aimed at kids, I think the cartoonists
> found out long ago that if they make a cartoon, and the kids like it but
> the parents don't, it won't be as successful.  If the cartoon is
> completely stupid, and the parents can't stand it, they're the ones that
> control what's on TV, and they won't watch it (consequently, the kids
> won't).  But, if they make something that's entertaining for both the
> kids and the parents it will be successful.  And you mentioned two
> examples of this, Spongebob and the Flintstones.  I can't think of any
> others off the top of my head, but i'm sure there are more.

Almost anything by Warner Brothers (past and present...particularly when
Tex Avery and Chuck Jones were directing and back a decade ago with
Animaniacs through the current CTN lineup). Hanna-Barbera also split both
ways with Tom and Jerry ('til roughly 1960ish when their eyes turned to
prime-time cartoons) and then later on with the Flintstones.

Historically, most cartoon makers marketed to both kids and adults.


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