[geeks] Makefile question

Joshua D Boyd jdboyd at cs.millersville.edu
Sat Nov 9 12:42:35 CST 2002

On Sat, Nov 09, 2002 at 02:12:35AM -0600, Jonathan C Patschke wrote:

> OBJS = foo.o bar.o baz.o bot.o
> Then:
> foo.o: foo.cpp
> bar.o: bar.cpp
> baz.o: baz.cpp
> bot.o: bat.cpp
> Now, the steps for building each of your .o files, and your .a file are 
> all separate, and gmake will know how to parallelize them.

So, there isn't some way to get around adding all those extra lines
other than writing a script that builds the makefile?  See, new .cpp
files are continually being added, both by me and another guy, and the
other guy doesn't care (grr) to know anything about Makefiles or
anything related, and so won't maintain it, since he only does Win32
builds in VC++.

Well I've converted it to your way for now.  In a day or two, if nothing
else is suggested, I'll just break down and make a shell script to
create the Makefile, either that or learn autoconf, etc.

Joshua D. Boyd

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