[geeks] Trimmed Quotes and Mozilla Question...

Mike Hebel nimitz at speakeasy.net
Wed Nov 6 14:02:21 CST 2002

Bill Bradford wrote:

> On Wed, Nov 06, 2002 at 01:36:29PM -0600, Geek wrote:
> >Excellent idea! Appropriate to the OS too!
> And trimming quoted material is a good idea too!
> ~160 lines of text, ONE LINE of new material?

"Please don' beat me massa!" ;-)

My bad Bill - I missed trimming that one.

Aside - does anybody else have problems with the current Mozilla Beta 
poping an editing menu up in KDE every time something is highlighted? 
It's getting to be a pain!  Sometimes it kicks from something on a web 
page I happen to be looking at at the moment.

Any ideas?

Mike Hebel

(Obligatory responses will most likely include:
"What the hell are you doing using KDE/Linux/Intel/foo?"
"Why the hell are you not using $browser?"
"Try Gnome."
"Move to $OS."
"Get a Mac.")

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