[geeks] Mailing list software.

Dave McGuire mcguire at neurotica.com
Tue Mar 26 16:44:15 CST 2002

On March 26, David Cantrell wrote:
> > I need to set up a mailing list on one of my servers. I am looking at 
> > majordomo and mailman. Which is best. (Maybe that was a bad question) anyway. 
> > Which is the easiest to setup and maintain, which is most secure?
> I prefer majordomo.  It's much simpler.  However, it doesn't provide the
> pretty front-end that mailman does.  As for security - I don't think it
> makes a great deal of difference.

  Simpler?  Interesting...I'm not trying to be argumentative here, but
I've found mailman to be a lot simpler than majordomo.  Weird. :)


Dave McGuire                    "...it's leaving me this unpleasant,
St. Petersburg, FL                 damp feeling on my shorts..." -Sridhar

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