[geeks] Mailing list software.

Dave McGuire mcguire at neurotica.com
Tue Mar 26 02:18:25 CST 2002

On March 26, James Sharp wrote:
> Does mailman have to be administered via the web interface?  I didn't use
> it cause I didn't feel like installing a web server on yet another
> machine.
> I read the instructions on how do to weird NFS mounting of your mailman
> directories onto your webserver, but it just didn't work out quite right.

 I'm a new mailman user, so there may be a trick I haven't seen...but
none that I'm currently aware of.  In my case, I was lucky enough to
have had a recently-built apache tree on a machine of the same
architecture and OS version, so I just copied it over.


Dave McGuire                    "...it's leaving me this unpleasant,
St. Petersburg, FL                 damp feeling on my shorts..." -Sridhar

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