[geeks] Canadian Levies: out of control?

Jonathan C. Patschke jp at celestrion.net
Wed Mar 20 11:41:40 CST 2002

> CDR's is enough to wait out that time. I predict that there will be a
> lot of sales around the last three months of the year if this comes
> into law. MP3 players, CDR's DVD blanks and so forth. 

Maybe I'm a conspiracy theorist, but I'd wager a pint of your favorate
beverage that that's exactly the reason this sort of legislation pops up
from time-to-time.  I mean, look what the overhyped year-2000 problems did
for the market in a lot of industries in the States in 1999.  You have to
wonder if the same people that were screaming gloom-and-doom didn't have
money invested in gold futures and storable-food stocks.


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