[geeks] Kurt is loaded with Octane-y goodness...

Bill Bradford mrbill at mrbill.net
Fri Mar 15 00:30:03 CST 2002

On Fri, Mar 15, 2002 at 01:21:01AM -0500, Andrew Weiss wrote:
> I've set my phone on the least annoying music tone I could... It's not 
> loud, but I don't know what the theme is from.  The straight rings are 
> grating on my nerves.... I always try to answer mine as fast as possible 
> because I hate the sound of any phone ringing.  I don't much care for 
> phones or talking on them anyhow... of course sometimes it takes a bit 
> to answer my cell phone because I have to unlock the keypad first 
> (precaution to keep from dialing someone with my elbow while it's on my 
> belt).

One of the default rings on the motorola flex pagers will make me
wince (because I used to HATE when it went off, because it meant
that I would be spending the next few hours at work).  The ascending-
descending wave sound.  

I have a Moto T900 2way now, but man, when my coworker's pager goes
off, I still wince and then realize its not mine.

(how pavlovian, eh?)


Bill Bradford
mrbill at mrbill.net
Austin, TX

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