[geeks] Kurt is loaded with Octane-y goodness...

Dave Kimmel criscokid at v-wave.com
Thu Mar 14 00:27:39 CST 2002

On Wed, 13 Mar 2002, Eric Dittman wrote:

> This idiot's ring tune was the theme to "Knight Rider".  It
> kept ringing.  He kept waiting for the whole tune to play
> before answering.  He had the volume up.  I wanted to grab
> his phone and drop it in his drink.

After buying one phone with a vibrating ringer (Nokia 6188) and realizing
how nice it was to NOT annoy others and make myself look like a fool, this
has become a must-have feature for me.

In a recent meeting, I have to give one of the people credit.  His cell
phone rang twice, each time it rang with a normal ring tone, and each time
he reached down and silenced it before the first ring even finished.

> I was with a friend at a restaurant one that doesn't just
> think about saying something; he says what he thinks.  Some
> guy was conducting business on his cell phone, speaking so
> loud everyone could hear.  My friend went up and in a loud
> voice so the business associate on the other end could hear
> said, "Hey, asshole, you've been talking so loud everyone can
> hear you.  Shut up and let the rest of us enjoy our meals."

Damn, I would have *loved* to see that!  I've heard people talk on their
cell phones during movies.  Gah, wouldn't you think that at $12 per ticket
that maybe, just maybe, the people in there might actually want to enjoy
the movie?  Even with the vibrating ringer, I make a point of turning my
phone off before the movie starts.

So let's see...  We should have cluefulness tests before someone is
allowed internet access, ettiquite training before being allowed a cell
phone...  What else should we have?

-- Dave Kimmel
   criscokid at v-wave.com

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