[geeks] the mail debate (please read!)

Bill Bradford mrbill at mrbill.net
Wed Mar 13 17:11:37 CST 2002

Guys, please, no need to turn this into a heated argument.

1.  I did what I did, *TEMPORARILY* (as I've pointed out), for reasons that
     I've pointed out.  I'm not misguided, clueless, etc - I did what I did
    for a reason.  I then let everyone know as a courtesy.  I *did* ask for
    commentary (altho in private mail, not on the lists).

2.  I respect everyone on the lists, and their technical expertise and 
    experience in the field.  I've got about seven years of production ISP
    experience under my hat as well, and know well what I'm doing.

Please; dont turn this into an anger-filled grudge match.  We've had our
technical discussion; I've pointed out what I did and why, and Greg pointed
out what he thought it was a Bad Idea (tm).  Our points are across; there's
no need to whittle each other to bits over it.  Lets all just take a VERY DEEP
BREATH and calm down.  It aint worth it!

TOPIC CHANGE:  Comfort food.  Sick at home today (and for the past 2.5 days);
kinda depressed (I think its the weather + my medicication + I hate late 
afternoons when the sun is setting..).  I just got back from McDonalds.


THe only food more comforting than this:
- wife-or-mom-made chocolate chip cookies
- corn patties
- chicken soup

Thoughts (on the food)?


Bill Bradford
mrbill at mrbill.net
Austin, TX

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