Fanatics (Was: Re: [geeks] Booze and Religion)

Sridhar the POWERful vance at
Sat Mar 9 15:52:00 CST 2002

On Sat, 9 Mar 2002, Keith Campbell wrote:

> > My own personal religious belief could best be described as relaxed
> > agnosticism mixed with ruthless social-darwinism.  Nevertheless, I
> have
> > a real issue with the casual disregard for human potential that is
> > embodied in the catchy "lump of flesh" moniker.  We cannot know what
> we
> > risk losing every time an abortion is performed.  It could be Joe
> Blow.
> > Or it could be the next Einstein.  Is it worth the risk?  I don't see
> > this as a question of religious faith, it is just logical reasoning.
> Basing your views in "could-bees" is foolish and short-sighted.  Lets
> take this a step further:  how many "Einsteins" are you not fathering
> because you aren't having sex with everyone who walks by?

Hmmm.  Having sex with every woman that walks by.  Hmmmm.

Peace...  Sridhar

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