[geeks] OW.

David Cantrell david at cantrell.org.uk
Fri Mar 8 06:31:35 CST 2002

On Fri, Mar 08, 2002 at 12:15:35AM -0500, Joshua D Boyd wrote:

>                    Even the Bible recomends alchol for those in great
> distress and/or physical ailments.  Psalms or Proverbs, don't remeber which,
> but aren't both also considered important by Jews?  I have no idea how 
> Islamic people view those two books, ...

Moslems consider the Jewish and Christian scriptures to be divinely inspired,
but that where they differ from the Quran, the Quran wins, as it is not just
divinely inspired, but is literally the word of god, as dictated to the last
prophet, Mohammed.

David Cantrell | david at cantrell.org.uk | http://www.cantrell.org.uk/david

  attractivating: inducing the quality of being attractive,
     especially to members of the appropriate sex.  -- Henrik Levkowetz

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