[geeks] For Dave M - Fscking Suits

Julius Sridhar vance at ikickass.org
Fri Mar 8 00:11:27 CST 2002

On Fri, 8 Mar 2002, Joshua D Boyd wrote:

> > I'm told the GeForce-4 is pretty darn good - but I don't follow peecee video
> > options.  Sorry, I have nothing intelligent to say about peecee video...
> The geforce (and big brother Quatro) cards are semi-decent.  Support under
> anything but windows and MacOS sucks, and they still show signs of having
> a gamer bent (shortcuts taken, etc).  Personally, I'd prefer to use wildcat
> cards if I'm on a PC, but certain people who control such things feel sure
> that a Wildcat is better than an Onyx RE2, and that a Geforce3 is better
> still.

I use a 3Dlabs Oxygen GMX.  It's getting a little long in the tooth, but
it's still pretty good.  If you want a really nice video card, there's
always E&S or IBM RGB512VV.

Peace...  Sridhar

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