[geeks] um, hi. I'm new.

Amy scoobydoo at ohno.mrbill.net
Fri Jun 28 00:43:24 CDT 2002

> I have said it before, and I will reiterate my request. I like this list. I
> respect you all for your experiences and interests, as diverse as you
> all are. you have been a wealth of info to me, and have helped me learn
> more then 6 months in college did. you don't like blogs. I love them. I
> enjoy them. I post 10's of posts, often 10 or more in a day. All I
> ask is that I, or the idea, are not slammed every time they are mentioned.

Who slammed you when they were mentioned recently? I haven't seen
anything...as for the idea of it, anyone can slam that--it's an opinion,
pure and simple and you should know better than to take it personally.

Personal attacks are different though.


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