[geeks] Sleepy.

Joshua D Boyd jdboyd at cs.millersville.edu
Tue Jun 25 20:45:51 CDT 2002

On Tue, Jun 25, 2002 at 07:13:56PM -0400, alex j avriette wrote:
> >I've drunk a bottle of Code Red.  I took some excedirn.  I've tried
> >stretching and walking and jumping around, and still no good.
> the worst part is when youre just that tired that you _must_ fall asleep 
> (hardware failure), but youve taken so much caffeine (generally for me 
> this is a nodoz day) that your sleep is this really fitful waking sleep. 
> miiiiiserable.

Da.  Best not to screw with sleep too much.  Sometimes doesn't seem
possible to get around it though.  I'm hoping I can make tonight an
early one.  At the moment it ain't looking likely[1].

Joshua D. Boyd

[1] I'm working on 2 scripts in python.  Except this is python embeded
in some wierd stuff (a highly bastardized VRML2.0) with a proprietary
object hiearchy.  And I left my notes on it at work, but need to have
it working before I'd be able to get back to work.

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