[geeks] Looking for Mac OS-X 10.1 CD

Dave McGuire mcguire at neurotica.com
Sat Jun 22 20:28:08 CDT 2002

On June 22, Geoff Reed wrote:
> To run in classic mode do both have to be installed to the same drive????

  Well you don't run "in" Classic, per se.  Classic starts up as a
process under OS X, then any Classic apps that are running appear on
the OS X desktop.  As far as I'm aware, you just need the Classic
system folder set up in "/System Folder".  When you double-click on a
Classic app, it starts the Classic environment (which takes several
seconds) then runs the app...then the Classic environment sticks
around.  If you start up other Classic apps, they just use the running
Classic environment.

  You can tell when you're using a Classic app because the top menu bar
changes from OS X style to OS9-style.

  It works out pretty well.  Just don't stop Classic (from System
Preferences) *while* it's starting up...YMMV, but doing that hangs my
USB subsystem horribly.


Dave McGuire                  "Needing a calculator indicates that
St. Petersburg, FL              your .emacs file is incomplete." -Joshua Boyd

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