[geeks] ahem

Shawn Wallbridge swallbridge at franticfilms.com
Thu Jun 20 16:55:56 CDT 2002

Dave McGuire wrote:

>On June 20, Shawn Wallbridge wrote:
>>> What are all you weenies up to?
>>Well, I just ordered 51GHz of rendering slaves.
>  Oh SHIT...So using Bill's scale, you're up to about...what, 14"? ;)
>      -Dave
Well, that's just the new ones. In total I think we have about 120GHz 
now, so that would be 170GHz total. But they are PC's, so I don't know 
if they count.

I tried to talk them into the Origin that someone posted the other day, 
but they didn't go for it.


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