[geeks] attention (old) mac geeks: pds/nubus/l2 cache questions

Peter L. Wargo pwargo at basenji.com
Thu Jun 13 13:35:31 CDT 2002

On Thu, 13 Jun 2002, alex j avriette wrote:

> so i have my ancient quadra 660av here (with plans to rescue my se30 in 
> the future). i've got some questions about its hardware.

Only if you don't refer to a 660AV as "ancient."  :-)

> first, it seems reasonably easy to overclock it to 29mhz (from 25). has 
> anyone done this? a friend overclocked his IIsi and said it was fun and 
> worth it.

Yep.  I had one clocked to 32MHz.  It ran at 33, but the PDS/NUBUS card
wouldn't work.

> second, i see a 128k l2 cache board available. this appears to use my 
> PDS slot. I had hoped to be able to find strange nubus cards on ebay and 
> play with them. is there no way to use the l2 cache and a nubus adapter? 
> also, if i get the l2 cache, but dont actually use macos (at the moment 
> I am pondering booting macos 7.6.1 and openbsd), will other operating 
> systems make use of it? i'm not sure how that works.

I believe there is aa slotless cache that fits under the CPU.  There's
also a 50/100MHz 68040 that really works well as an upgrade.  I have one
in my Q605.

> third, would it be possible to move a faster cpu into the same board? 
> i.e., i just replaced my ipx cpu with a weitek unit. would it be 
> possible to get a 40mhz cpu out of an 840av and just plunk it in there? 
> what other upgrades are available?

See above.  Also, look on lowendmac.com.


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