[geeks] Anyone know of a really cheap... and I mean unemployment cheap

Kurt Mosiejczuk kurt at csh.rit.edu
Tue Jun 4 12:33:08 CDT 2002

On Tue, 4 Jun 2002, Peter L. Wargo wrote:

> Not to me.  I ^%#(*&%#!! HATE mowing the lawn.  Growing up, we had THREE
> ACRES of lawn to mow, and a non-self-propelled 20" mower.  Ugh.  I got
> stung by bees.  It sucked.  Which is why we never have more than a couple
> of feet woth of grass wherever we live.

I find coming home to find my mowing guys did the lawn very relaxing =)

Find a nice cheap service, and whenever I start thinking "Wow, it's
starting to get a little long" it's usually done that day =)


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