[geeks] Re: Guns

Rob rstaab at panix.com
Sun Jun 2 21:35:13 CDT 2002

Note: there are full-auto weapons that fire from a closed bolt(i.e. the HK
MP5) the risk here is that the heat from the friction of firing may cook
off rounds and have them fire prematurely when the bolt is not closed an
equally bad problem.

- Rob

On Sun, 2 Jun 2002, Michael Schiller wrote:

> Shawn Wallbridge wrote:
> >
> > Converting an AR-15 to full auto is very simple, but they don't have the
> > proper selector switch. The AR-15 is pretty much the only gun it is somewhat
> > safe to do this on because it has a locking bolt. When the bolt comes
> > forward, it twists and locks into place, the firing pin can't come forward
> > until it the bolt has locked into place (in theory, I have heard of cases
> > when the lock didn't function properly).
> >
> Many guns that are available in both semi auto & full auto versions are
> actually considerably different. 2 that come to mind are the Thompson
> submachine gun, and the Uzi. With both of these the full auto version
> doesn't even have an actual firing pin, but rather a protrusion machined
> on the breach block. They also fire from an open bolt. What this means
> is that when you're holding the gun ready to fire it, unlike all semi
> autos where the bolt is closed, and the firing pin cocked, on these the
> bolt is back, ready to strip a round off the clip into the barrel of the
> gun. the last forward motion of the bolt pushes the protrusion (firing
> pine) into the primer, firing the round. the trigger just controls
> holding the bolt open, so as long as you hold it down the gun fires. I
> was under the impression that the 'real' full auto M16 did this as well,
> but then I never paid much attention to the M16 as I consider it a joke.
> -Mike
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