[geeks] RE: [rescue] OT: ADD - MOVING to geeks

Amy scoobydoo at ohno.mrbill.net
Tue Jul 9 01:58:22 CDT 2002

On Mon, 8 Jul 2002, Jennifer Sharp wrote:

> YAY! Finally someone with a brain. I get so fucking tired of hearing
> my mother-in-law tell me, "James is a Genius!" but in the next
> sentence she puts him down by saying, "But he has absolutely no common
> sense."

A little unsolicited advice for you. You will be miserable and bitter for
decades if you keep warring with in-laws (you can't win so don't try) and
it'll also stress the hell out of yer husband over time. It's better to
make peace...at any cost. Unless, of course, your aim is to be on a future
episode of Jerry Springer ;P


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