[geeks] end of CD-RW saga (for now).

Joshua D Boyd jdboyd at cs.millersville.edu
Thu Jan 31 23:49:38 CST 2002

Well, in the end, against other peoples advice, I bought a philips 12x burner
for $78.  So far it works, which is better than I can say for the other things
I've tried (HP, Yamaha, Mitsumi), and at that price, I can afford to have it
die in a year or two.  Plus, I have it now, and can place it in a USB case 

I had wanted a nice drive in a 411 case, but this seems functional.

I'm now hard at work ripping songs for the project.  On Saturday, I will need
to try to find a decent mike for recording other tracks (2, maybe 3 spoken
pieces, read by myself).  This will be a truly personal going away present.

Now, I just need to find the address in .nz to have the valentines day flowers
delivered to...

Joshua D. Boyd

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