[geeks] Little Kids + Unix

Jonathan Eisch jeisch at boku.net
Sun Jan 27 17:21:47 CST 2002

I started with telnet when I was 9 or 10.  worked pretty well.  Learned 
Perl as my first language.  Got an ELC with external SCSI disk when I 
was 12.  Dual headed SS5 a year later.  OS X on a cube a year ago....


On Sunday, January 27, 2002, at 02:01  PM, Michael Dombrowski wrote:

> My little brother has a PC in his room which he uses primarily for
> playing games and web surfing. I'd like to introduce him to unix and
> that there is a way of doing things other than PCs. What would you
> all recommend to get a 10yr interested in Unix? I'm probably gonna
> stick an XTerm in his room and have it logon to my Ultra30 so there's
> a pretty beefy machine to run whatever. I was thinking maybe some
> sort of basic with support for graphics but I don't know if that
> would be best. Only other requirement is that it look decent with
> only 8bit graphics.
> Mike
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