[geeks] Yumm.

Eric Dittman dittman at dittman.net
Thu Jan 24 23:43:48 CST 2002

>   My mom used to really squick me when she'd pick up a tomato and start
> eating it like an apple.  Disgusting.  Then I met my (now deceased)
> uncle Bert.  He did that with...you guessed it, ONIONS.  His breath
> would knock you flat.

When ramps were in season some people would eat a lot of them,
causing them to have breath so bad you couldn't be in the same
room.  When I was growing up (in WV) I remember several instances
when students would be sent home due to eating ramps.
Eric Dittman
dittman at dittman.net
Check out the DEC Enthusiasts Club at http://www.dittman.net/

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