[geeks] woof !

Nina Bersamina merdiva at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 18 12:06:30 CST 2002

I am definitely a dog person, or as amy says "a kick
dog" person.

I own a pomeranean and a shih tzu.

http://www.merdiva.net/mopsy/bratmug.jpg <- the shih

http://www.merdiva.net/shadow/Image034.jpg <- shadow

I used to not be a small dog person, I grew up around
pitbulls and rottweilers, and after having them I LOVE
my little doggies.

:) Plus..  they fit my personality perfect ! 


--- Michael Thompson <m_thompson at ids.net> wrote:
> >> Anyway, what is the ratio of cat to dog people
> here?  We know that Amy
> would
> >> file herself as both.  I'm a cat person.
> Our neighbor's 14 lb Maine Coon cat adopted us about
> 11 years ago. She does
> a good job keeping dogs out of the yard.
> http://users.ids.net/~thompson/molly.html
> Michael Thompson
> E-Mail: M_Thompson at IDS.net
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