[geeks] iPod is worth it.

doctor obnox son of a bitch drobnox at visi.com
Mon Jan 14 11:35:42 CST 2002

On Fri, Jan 11, 2002 at 11:32:00PM -0800, Peter L. Wargo had the audacity to opine:
> Now that I've had some time to fiddle with it, I've come to really 
> appreciate it. To take a break from reading about OS X, I've been 
> sitting out in the living room, listening to a mix of Alan Parsons 
> Project, Yes, Moody Blues, and Supertramp while reading " The Lust 
> Lizard of Melancholy Cove" (Christopher Moore) (Recommended).

Dude, how can you listen to that kind of music and NOT include King

> Sound quality, even with 128kbps VBR rips is quite good.  I've got 87 
> albums stuffed into the little booger, and it's nice.  I hope Apple 
> releases some PeeCee software for it, or lets somebody else do so in an 
> official capacity.  Not that I like PeeCee's (This should be plain by 
> now), but I think everybody should be able to use this little gem.  It's 
> got the Archeos unit I got for Chan beat, although that is nice as well.
> Cool stuff indeed.
> -Pete
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Eric J. Gustafson                                   drobnox at visi.com

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