[geeks] McRib power!

Peter L. Wargo pwargo at basenji.com
Sat Jan 12 12:52:55 CST 2002

On Saturday, January 12, 2002, at 07:23 , Bill Bradford wrote:

> Good thing about machine rooms: at least if you fart, its gone within
> a few seconds.

True.  However, I can remember a time back @ NCGR when Forrest and I 
were putting in the "temporary" machine room. (It lasted almost three 
years we even ended up stuffing an E10K into it.)  The room was 9' x 36' 
or so, and we came in *after* dinner at some nasty place to set up racks 
and shelves and such.  We ended up running out of that room gagging, and 
had to wait an hour for the fumes to clear.

Moral of the story: If you know you'll be in a confined space, eat 


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