[geeks] Gotta love spam

Peter L. Wargo pwargo at basenji.com
Wed Jan 9 00:48:24 CST 2002

On Tuesday, January 8, 2002, at 03:00 , Big Endian wrote:

> I don't know how many of you have seen this but its fucking hilarious!
> http://petemoss.com/spamflames/ShifmanIsAMoronSpammer.html

Wow...  I just sent Mr. Bernard Shifman a letter:

"Mr Shifman:

I am contacting you concerning a possible legal action against you.  
While reading the site 
http://petemoss.com/spamflames/ShifmanIsAMoronSpammer.html, I laughed so 
hard that I spilled my beer. Since your actions were the root cause of 
this event, I am considering asking for compensation for the beer (a 
very nice oatmeal stout), and the carpet.  The total would come to 
$1803.50: $1800 for the carpet, and $3.50 for the beer (a very nice 
oatmeal stout.)

I will consider dropping any legal considerations if you instead promise 
never to touch a computer again, thereby sparing the rest of the world 
the possibility of your antics causing even more hubris.


Peter L. Wargo
pwargo at basenji.com"

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