[geeks] Re: [geeks]Macs

Alice Conrad geeks at sunhelp.org
Sun Jan 6 10:48:50 CST 2002

On Sunday, January 6, 2002, at 01:04 PM, Jon Still wrote:

I've gotta admit I love OS X.  My Christmas present to myself was a 
shiny new iBook 600 and I've not looked back.  I'm currently enthusing 
about Stickies - I love the ability to just select text and press 
Apple-Shift-Y to create a sticky note from it.  Add to that the fact 
that I got it to print to my "unsupported" Laserjet 1100 via LPD on my 
Linux box (a bit of tinkering in Netinfo combined with ghostscript) and 
I'm a happy bunny :)

I rather like the whole "services" menu.  I have yet to try the 
"JavaBrowser" option.
I am just still overwhelmed at all the little things hidden away, like 
the make sticky and such, and I have had OS X since April last. The 
other nifty this is the fact that it didn't need any coaxing, swearing, 
threats or sacrificial chickens to get it to talk to my printer, camera, 
usb zip drive, usb imation superdisk drive. Granted I haven't tried to 
show it to the scanner or the cd burner yet.

Incidentally, we put together a little page on using macs (especially 
old macs) as serial terminals at 
http://www.tertial.org/projects/mac-console/  Can't beat a nice clacky 
Mac Plus keyboard :)

You think that is fun you should try SuperPaint in glorious 1-bit colour 
on the MacPlus.


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