[geeks] computer room gallery 8-)

Ken Hansen geeks at sunhelp.org
Sat Jan 5 11:54:53 CST 2002

No, SunBlade 100 with a 19" monitor (or 17" flat panel) and *diskless* - 
that would sell I bet...


On Saturday, January 5, 2002, at 12:35 PM, Kurt Huhn wrote:

>>> I'd rather like a Sparc-based Mac too :-)
>> Uhm, ELC?
> Funny, I didn't hear anything about Sun comlaining that Apple violated
> look-n-feel copyrights when they made the iMac.  God us though, if Sun 
> ever
> tried to create an all-in-one workstation.  I suspect it wouldn't be too
> difficult - an Ultra-5 system should fit quite nicely inside a 15" 
> monitor
> package (with ample cooling)....
> Kurt
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