[geeks] computer room gallery 8-)

Andrew Weiss geeks at sunhelp.org
Sat Jan 5 11:49:06 CST 2002

If I had a camera and a datacenter [one room] I'd take pics... My 
machines are spread over 3 rooms....basically 60% of my place
Of course because of the job hunt only my Mac and my PC are doing 
anything at all, all the Suns, RS6K's, and the SGI's are dormant 
awaiting energy, loving-care, and power sockets.


On Saturday, January 5, 2002, at 12:06 AM, Kurt Huhn wrote:

>> Sure, why not.  I grabbed the camera, and whipped up a web page, with 
>> some
>> points of interest noted.  See:
>> http://www.basenji.com/pwargo/den
> That's too organized - too clean.....I'm jealous.
> You lucky bastards that get an *entire* room to put your datacenters 
> in.  I
> get a very small piece of the main family room - behind the dry bar.  I 
> also
> get the back storage closet - but there's no power back there...
> Kurt
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