[geeks] OSX is going to ruin my life

Gregory Leblanc gleblanc at linuxweasel.com
Thu Feb 28 14:57:50 CST 2002

On Thu, 2002-02-28 at 10:12, Kurt Huhn wrote:
> > Let's not get confused here...  The //e wasn't a Mac.  I actually liked
> > those critters (though the //c was far kinder in terms of space used).
> > Then they had umpteen years of Bad Macs, then they hit PPC, and started
> > to suck less, eventually getting to the nice machines they've had for
> > the past couple of years (save the iBook and original iMac).
> > 
> Pick many nits?

As many as I find.  :-)

Portland, Oregon, USA.

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