[geeks] comments welcome

Amy scoobydoo at ohno.mrbill.net
Mon Feb 25 12:48:11 CST 2002

On Mon, 25 Feb 2002, Lauren Child wrote:

> On Mon, 25 Feb 2002, Amy wrote:
> > so i've been ordered to cut out caffein, nicotine, and alcohol from my
> > daily routine. gotta go on a no-sugar diet immediately too.

> Could you still do Carob or diabetic chocolate?  Thats what Ive been on
> before during special diets, since Im a bit of a chocoholic :)

afik, no chocolate at  all. unless i miss my guess, the doc is concerned
about diabetes somewhere, cause he's ripped me from sugar completely. not
something i'm used to at all, so i'm not sure of the alternatives or even
where to begin.

> Hi by the way, Im new to the list :)

howdy :) i'm amy, co-list manager and machine and dog owner. :)

> As for the frustrations I opt for a handy pillow rather than a punchbag -
> its easier to explain to worried looking coworkers.

hrm, pillows i have plenty of. something tells me punching bags are
expensive ;/


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