[geeks] grr paypal

s at avoidant.org s at avoidant.org
Sun Feb 24 07:52:15 CST 2002

Dave McGuire wrote:

>   I've been using it since a few weeks after it started...I don't
> agree with a lot of the things that they've done (remember "this will
> always be free"?) but I've never had a problem with them.

Nor have I, and I do things most of you don't with it. Like transfer
money there to pay my bills and stuff. I've had NO problems with them,
and I have with my bank, repeatedly.

I use a paypal card (Mastercard) to do normal, everyday things like buy
socks. Mostly because of the cash-back. The only thing that costs about
the whole thing is accepting payments from others, and I only do that
once every three weeks in amounts of like $10. To get the cash back, you
have to be an ebay seller, so I sell an Adaptec 1542 once a month.

Yeah, someone will pop up and say "They can track your purchases!!". 

So? I buy socks, gasoline and grocries. Don't They?


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