Workplace Acts (was: Re: [geeks] employment(and the rehash there of))

Peter L. Wargo pwargo at
Fri Feb 22 17:00:44 CST 2002

On Fri, 22 Feb 2002 dave at wrote:

> Maybe they'll ban discussion of weapons. Maybe you should suggest it
> at the next big meeting. :-)

Back in '96 or so at NCGR, we were planning the eventual creation of the
spin-off company, MII.  At one planning meeting that Forrest and I were
at, the suits brought in a vendor for accounting software that required
not one, but THREE Novell servers.  Dedicated.  (We were a Sun shop).

At the conclusion of the meeting, Forrest left the roop, opened up his
big-ass knife, and screamed incoherantly as he stabbed a big pile of empty
boxes.  He felt better, I felt better, the suits just about s*it


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