[geeks] grr paypal

Dave McGuire mcguire at neurotica.com
Fri Feb 22 15:15:14 CST 2002

On February 22, Joshua D Boyd wrote:
> >   I'm leaning in the direction of refusing anything but PayPal.  You
> > tend to appreciate it greatly as a seller.  And I appreciate it
> > greatly as a buyer too...do you have a particular affinity for going
> > to the post office to buy and mail money orders or something?
> I buy my money orders at my credit union, although sometimes I will get them
> at a minimarket near my school (for internaltional orders Western Union MOs
> seem better).  And they can be dropped in any old mail box.  Don't need to be
> send from post office.

  I know how to mail stuff, man...the post office thing was an
example.  When I win a PayPal-able auction, I can pay for it at 4am
sitting at home in my underwear.

> I don't have a particular love of doing this.  Rather, I have a fairly high 
> level of distrust for paypal.

  I've been using it since a few weeks after it started...I don't
agree with a lot of the things that they've done (remember "this will
always be free"?) but I've never had a problem with them.


Dave McGuire
St. Petersburg, FL         "Less talk.  More synthohol." --Lt. Worf

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