[geeks] LCDs

Bjorn Ramqvist brt at g.haggve.se
Tue Dec 17 02:04:31 CST 2002

Bill Bradford wrote:
> > Anyone purchased a 19" LCD panel lately? I am debating between the
> > Samsung 191T and the Viewsonic 900VX. This is a difficult decision to
> > make, and want to make sure I am not missing any other  models.
> I've got the Sun 18.1" LCD, which is a Samsung Syncmaster 800TFT.
> Its nice - but not *great*.  I like some of the newer Dell stuff (who makes
> theirs?) better.

I have a Fujitsu/Siemens Scaleo CTM7010 17" LCD, and I think it's great.
So far the best of the LCDs I've seen.
I have no idea what brand it really is.

I had a Dell 18" TFT on my desk here at work not too long ago, and that
one sucked in comparence.


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