[geeks] Christmas bonus

wa2egp at att.net wa2egp at att.net
Fri Dec 6 12:29:58 CST 2002

That deserves an rm -r * in root on his computer or his family tree, whichever 
has the greatest effect.  I hope your response was "Happy f-ing Christmas to 
you too, sir!"  (I know, you have too much class.)  That really sucks.  Well, 
as they say in the 'hood, what goes around, comes around.  Bob
> So, I went in to work this morning and my boss hands me my "Christmas 
> bonus" with a big grin on his face....my walking papers.  Bastard.
> So, anybody in Southern New England looking for a web developer or 
> sysadmin?  I'm in RI, but I'll commute as far as needed.
> Caleb Shay
> caleb at webninja.com
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